Reading Incentives

  • Please encourage your child to read during their free time.
  • When a student completes a book remind them to fill out a Reading Incentive Form.
  • They can earn rewards for every 100 pages they read in a completed book.

Mouseketeer of the Week

  • Student who is M.o.W. will be the classroom helper and line leader.
  • M.o.W. will have different opportunities to share about themselves each week.
  • M.o.W. will do all classroom jobs and earn scholar dollars for their hard work.

Scholar Dollars

For those of you new to Room 17, Mrs. Robertson uses Scholar Dollars as a classroom incentive. Students earn money for doing the right thing. They can also lose money for various reasons. There are multiple ways to spend their hard earned scholar dollars. Please see the following charts for details.

How to make money