Our Language Arts program this year is called Shurley English. We will be using this program as both our grammar and writing curriculum.
Students will also be writing for fluency daily.
M-W-F: Students will be writing in a journal for 3 minutes based on prompts. My first year implementing journal writing, quick writing improved on average from 29 words in 3 minutes in September to 57 on average in April. This is almost double. An increase of 196% YAY!!
T-Th: Students will be practicing cursive by writing silly sentences, jokes, quotes, and informational paragraphs.
Journals and writing assignments will stay at school for the year. All writing will be in the classroom and can be viewed at any time. All writing will be sent home in portfolio form at the end of the year.
Please let me know if you would like to come by and check out your students writing.
We will also be completing 3 book reports this year.
- An all class book report on the novel By the Great Horn Spoon.
If you misplace your packet, you can download it here: BTGHS – complete packet In Class Book Report - A creative report on an award winning book of your choice.
If you misplace your packet, you can download it here: Book Jacket Report - A biography file folder book report on a famous person of your choice.
If you misplace your packet, you can download it here: Biography File Folder
I am excited to support you child in their writing! Lets get creative and have some fun!
Missing your point sheet? Forgot to write down an assignment? Find your homework assignments here.